速報APP / 教育 / Hazard Perception Test 2017

Hazard Perception Test 2017





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:53 Kingsley Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 1QB

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖1)-速報App

Driving People to Success through our Hazard Perception Test. Download the app for the easiest way to pass your Hazard Perception test 2017.

UK Drive Test has a license agreement with the DVSA and the videos were officially obtained from DVSA.

Hazard perception test is intended to check a candidate’s ability to detect developing hazards on the roads. This has been explained clearly in our App.

With High-Quality CGI Hazard clips, this app simulates the realistic environment for the drivers to judge the developing hazard and flag out the situations to score maximum marks.

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖2)-速報App


Why this APP stands out from the competitors :-

1) Contains introduction videos with the complete explanation of official DVSA Hazard Perception Test.

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖3)-速報App

2) 26 DVSA Practice High-Quality CGI Hazard Perception Clips which simulates the realistic environment for drivers.

3) Receive instant feedback after each Hazard videos in form of :-

a) Marks scored out of 5, just like the real test.

b) review video of each clip to know the developing hazard and where the maximum marks could have been achieved.

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖4)-速報App

c) Track your progress graphically through Bar graphs which display all the marks scored in the videos altogether.

4) Cheat detection system accurately detects the over-tapping\clicking of the user resulting in 0 marks which exactly replicates the OFFICIAL DVSA Test.

5) Our App is just 97 MB in size, so it won't eat up the free space on your mobile. We have used the latest technology to compress the video size without compromising on the quality of our CGI videos.

6) Need any help like DVSA Hazard Test guide, how it works, how you are scored, about our CGI videos. Don't worry, all are provided in the explanation section of our app.

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖5)-速報App

7) Download Once and use it forever, even without the internet​. No more cribbing for WiFi or mobile data connection. just download the app once and learn wherever you want, whenever you want.

8) Minute Details taken care off

9) Extremely user-friendly.

An essential, must-have app for enthusiast learning to ride :-

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖6)-速報App

1) Car

2) Motorcycle

3) LGV and HGV

4) ADIs

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖7)-速報App

Download UKDriveTest Hazard Perception Test right away to kick start your preparation for the Official DVSA test.

Crown Copyright material reproduced under license from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency which does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the reproduction.

Hazard Perception Test 2017(圖8)-速報App